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Senin, 15 November 2010


1. disebuah siaran radio (sukira mungkin, saya lupa~!) waktu ada pertanyaan tentang bibir siapa paling bagus. Donghae dengan lantang Langsung menjawab “Hyukjae, apalagi ketika bangun tidur”. ~lg ga bangun tidur juga bagus kok oppa.. PLAK!~

2. waktu diacara YooHeeYeol sketchbook *bener ga tuh tulisannya?* pas perform good person, Awalnya Eunhyuk kayak mau bikin cemburu Donghae dengan mesra-mesaraan sama sungmin, hyuk ngajak sungmin dansa, n pakai peluk-peluk pulak. Donghae melirik mereka sekilas. Namun ternyata pada saat bagian donghae menyanyi, tiba-tiba yesung datang dan memeluk donghae dari belakang. Eunhyuk yang tidak terima langsung menghampiri mereka dan menyuruh yesung kembali ke asalnya *?* (haha, niatnya siapa ya yg bkin cemburu? N siapa yg cemburu jadinya?)

3. di super show 3, eunhyuk datang ketengah panggung, lalu ia menurunkan sedikit lengan baju donghae dan tiba-tiba mencium pundaknya.. (omo~~~ beraninya kau mencium suamiku donghae~~~~~!!!)

4. menurut kalian couple ini yang pencemburu siapa ya?? Kalau menurut gue sih eunhyuk. Nah salah satu contohnya diatas. Contoh lainnya disebuah acara *lagi-lagi gue lupa acara apa* saat anggota super junior berdiri bersama, donghae sempat bercanda dengan ryeowook, dan itu membuat bibir eunhyuk maju 5 senti karna cemburu.

5. nah kalau ini sih gue kurang tau ya kebenarannya, ini temen gue juga yang ngasih tau, donghae itu kan suka banget sama eunhyuk, semuanya ditiru, sampai-sampai eunhyuk operasi rashang pun diikuti oleh donghae, alasannya? Ya karena donghae ingin mempunyai rahang yang tegas seperti eunhyuk. (gue lebih suka yang asli oppa, dari pada keren tapi oplas.. PIISSS ^.^v

6. waktu acara starking, donghae kalah ngegames, trus dihukum suruh ciuman. Waktu donghae mau jawab, tiba-tiba eunhyuk bilang “sorry ya, bibir donghae Cuma untukku. Ciyeee... (hyuk, gue cerei’in lo!!)

7. nah ini juga gue kurang tau bener apa ngganya. Tapi ya donghae kan digosipin ama sunny snsd, waktu marak-maraknya tuh berita, donghae bilang “lebih baik aku digosipkan homo-an dengan eunhyuk daripada harus digosipkan pacaran dengannya” (kasian bgt lo sun)

8. waktu di sushow, donghae menghampiri eunhyuk yang sedang bernyanyi sambil duduk, ia duduk disebelah eunhyuk dan tiba-tiba mencium pipinya,,, (aiihh.. so sweet romantic)

credit : Feby Sii Fabiola Lazuardi on super junior for ELFindo

- 'EunHae' was mentioned in a question, Hyuk just went to the table and sit, let Hae make the choice. Hae ran to the side feeling embarrased, and said, 'we're members, dont need to choose until like this'.. everyone shouted from below 'WANT!!' (um, don't really understand it all, not my translation :P)
- Teuk asked Hae to choose one between Hyuk and Siwon, and let both Hyuk and Siwon to say some words first. Hyuk said 'EunHae is Real'. (lol xD that's when all the fans are screaming @0.57. Love Hyuk's embarressed smile)
- Siwon said, Hyuk is useless. He can't be responsible for Hae. then Hyuk shouted, 'i will hire you as a housekeeper!'
- Donghae chooses Siwon [@1.50] (and Sungmin runs to Hyuk, lol). Siwon and Hyuk hugged and then Hyuk kisses Siwon's cheek. (I bet Donghae regrets his choice xD)
- EunHae was the last to walk to the backstage, it was even (in a situation) where Hyuk pulled Hae by his shirt to the backstage.
- Hae's questions were all aimed about EunHae. Hyuk's questions were always about Choco and Hae.. (lol, oh the eunhae fans. xD)
- After Hae cried, the members let him to have a switch in his mood and let Hae punch Siwon. after he finished punching, Teuk asked to punch again, everyone shouted 'LEE HYUK JAE'. then Hae keep punching, this time it was obvious his mood got much better, after a few seconds, Hyuk went towards Hae and hugged him...

(19:50) Eunhae walk toward the front stage. Left 7 members on the main stage. And Donghae shakes hand with the fans at zone A [CR:ELF CITY]

- (20:46) You & I (20:48) Heenim takes Eunhae married photo from fan..then gives to Hae...Hae gives it to Hyuk!!! [CR:ELFcity]

- Omo..seem like all members take the eunhae married photo to eun & hae for them to see^^ heenim,shindong,siwon..who else?? keke [CR: sinyi88]

- Hyuk touched Hae's face!! [CR: sinyi88]

- Hae helped Hyuk to take off his outfit ^^ [CR:暗恋]


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